Guest speaker Dennis Burke will be joining us August 5th & 6th.

For more than 44 years, Dennis Burke has led multitudes of believers into the biblical principles of faith, healing, love, prosperity, and righteousness. Through the Insights magazine, books and various downloadable products, Dennis teaches life-changing truths from God’s Word with clear and often humorous depth.

Dennis and his wife, Vikki, travel the globe throughout the year preaching and teaching in seminars, conventions and churches, sharing the Word of God and the keys to victorious Christian living. They have authored numerous books including Empowered by Grace, The Satisfied Life, How to Meditate God’s Word, and Vikki’s best-selling books, Help! It’s Dangerous Out Here, Destiny Held Hostage and Some Days You Dance.

Together they are co-founders of Dennis Burke Ministries in Arlington, Texas. In 2003, Dennis earned his Doctorate in Theology from Life Christian University, Tampa, Florida.

Saturday men’s breakfast - 8:00am (Register here)
Saturday evening service - 7:00pm
Sunday morning service - 10:30am
Sunday evening service - 6:30pm
Guest speaker Dennis Burke will be joining us August 5th & 6th.

For more than 44 years, Dennis Burke has led multitudes of believers into the biblical principles of faith, healing, love, prosperity, and righteousness. Through the Insights magazine, books and various downloadable products, Dennis teaches life-changing truths from God’s Word with clear and often humorous depth.

Dennis and his wife, Vikki, travel the globe throughout the year preaching and teaching in seminars, conventions and churches, sharing the Word of God and the keys to victorious Christian living. They have authored numerous books including Empowered by Grace, The Satisfied Life, How to Meditate God’s Word, and Vikki’s best-selling books, Help! It’s Dangerous Out Here, Destiny Held Hostage and Some Days You Dance.

Together they are co-founders of Dennis Burke Ministries in Arlington, Texas. In 2003, Dennis earned his Doctorate in Theology from Life Christian University, Tampa, Florida.

Saturday men’s breakfast - 8:00am (Register here)
Saturday evening service - 7:00pm
Sunday morning service - 10:30am
Sunday evening service - 6:30pm